
Chapter 5: A Wanderer's Honour


I heard a loud pounding on the door which interrupted my peaceful sleep.

Oh I was having the most wonderful dream of all. I had to wake up twice in the night to be sure I wasn't dreaming and although I couldn't see him, I was sure I wasn't dreaming...I could feel him!

The warmth of his bare body, how fine his toned muscles were against my delicate soft skin. I could feel everything and it felt like I was intoxicated by alcohol.

I hadn't yet tried it yet but I have seen werewolves get intoxicated on wine. They felt really merry whenever they did and I felt something similar.

He barely moved, as he slept. I needed to be sure he was asleep as I touched his face gently not to awaken him but he moved slightly from my touch. 

It seemed he wasn't a very deep sleeper or was it because he had been a wanderer for so long and had to watch his back at all times that he had forgotten how to go into a deep sleep? It seemed like the latter, with everything I have gathered about him. 

I was dying to see his beautiful face and I know only one person could help me with that. She was always with me, waiting for my command to act.

I didn't need to shout, all I had to do was whisper softly and she would hear me.

"Aria...please illuminate his face and body". 

It sounded like I had said it within my thought and not outwardly, as it was very faint but Aria heard me quite alright and soon she illuminated him in front of me.

"Thank you Aria!" I whispered in admiration to her, at the glorious sight she had revealed to me.

He was lying face up with his right arm underneath my head. I looked at his beautiful face and traced down his naked and well sculpted chest before I caught sight of his left arm resting close to my waist.

We were closer and tighter before we slept off but I guess after we both fell asleep, we drifted inches apart.

I needed to remedy that. I knew if I made my next move he would probably wake up, so I signalled Aria to put off the lights and she did at once. I wasn't worried about my privacy with Aria, I was the only one that could see her and talk to her.

I moved closer to him and placed my head on his bare chest. My right leg was still resting on his abdomen but I inched even closer, ensuring I was covering every part of it. 

He moved underneath me as I did, showing I had interrupted his sleep but I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

I waited to see if he would pull away from my grip but he didn't. Instead he wrapped both his arms around me, which made me feel really good. I swore I could have kissed him...I wanted to so badly but that would be me acting too hastily. I was confident he liked me as much as I liked him and soon he would have to admit it.

I heard the loud pounding again at the door. This time around I realised my eyes were still closed and I was dreaming about what had happened a few hours earlier. 

Whoever was at the door, didn't have the intention of breaking down the door. They just wanted to wake up whoever was sleeping inside.

I opened my eyes slowly, upset that my pleasant dream of last night's events had been rudely interrupted. 

Everywhere was still pitch black and I felt like I could still get one last feel of him as we had slept on the bed together but I couldn't feel his warm body against me.

I felt around the bed with my hands and legs but he was gone. The entire bed was empty, except for me.

I could still perceive his wonderful scent on the bed sheet and I knew it must not have been too long ago since he got up.

I hoped he had not gone far or worst still, he had not abandoned the pack and abandoned me with it. He promised me he would stay till dawn and I hoped he would keep to his word.

I was beginning to feel anxious, as I sat up on the bed. I couldn't get up immediately as I was now attached to it. I thought about how intimate we were together last night and it felt really good.He couldn't have possibly walked away from all that? 

The thought of it made me feel better but the pounding on the door was still on going and I had to put a stop to it, otherwise it would keep interrupting my sweet thought.

"Aria, please check who is at the door". I whispered, as I stood up from the bed to go to the living room in the dark.

Aria lit up one more time to allow me see where the door of the bedroom was, until I found it, before putting off her light and going through the wall, I imagined.

I opened the closed door of the bedroom and stepped out into the fully lit living room. The light source was coming from a lit lantern placed on the table but someone else also caught my attention. 

He was fully clothed in black and was backing me. He was about to open the door, when Aria returned. She had seen who it was that was pounding outside the door.

"Beta Lorgan and Hannah Rossi". She said but no one else could hear her except me.

"My parents were outside the door!" I gasped, drawing Abbadon's attention to me as he opened the door.

"Have you seen my dau...?!" I heard my father say but he didn't complete his question. He could see me standing in the living room, not so far from Abbadon.

"What did I miss, what is going on here?!" My father asked, distraught. He was now staring at Abbadon as he stood outside of the door. I could feel the rage building up in him. 

"Baela are you okay?" I heard my mom ask with concern, as she rushed into the living room towards me.

I was speechless on my part, as I watched Abbadon about to take the heat for my mistakes. 

Last night was wonderful but it was all about to be ruined.

"I asked, what is going on here?!" Father repeated again, the rage in him evident. 

"Beta Lorgan...I meant not to keep silent at your question but this is not as it seems". Abbadon said confidently but his voice was lower than that of my father's. He dared not raise his voice at a ranked member of the pack, especially a Beta unless he would face the wrath of my father and all the other Beta's.

"Baela is fine...she is as she came, I give you my word". He said, lowering his gaze to take a less superior stance than my father.

"What honour does a wanderer have? What honour do you truly possess? - "

"You once did a noble thing by rescuing my daughter  Baela and bringing the corpse of my dear Lily to me and for that you were welcomed into the pack...but you should have waited until after the Arena games to be ranked before you made a move on my  daughter, Baela".

"That would have been the honourable thing to do but do you really know that?" Father asked him, as he stepped into the living room backing him.

It was a rhetorical question. Abbadon need not answer because my father had already judged him. He loved me dearly to risk my honour being tarnished.

"There is honour even amongst thieves and wanderers". Abbadon said from behind. 

Yes we lived in walled cities because of attacks from other werewolf packs, trolls, monsters and even from bands of wanderers or individual wanderers who attempted to steal from us.

Father turned in shock at what he had said. Wanderers were mostly considered as outlaws, thieves and murderers and were beneath the ranking of an omega.

"So you consider yourself to be honourable?"

"Well then, because you didn't touch my daughter and have given your word, you will get a second chance".

"Don't waste it this time". Father said, staring at him but he avoided eye contact as he should.

"Thank you for the second chance".

"I felt welcome here when I came but home is wherever I feel welcome".

"This is a nice pack but I don't need to be in a pack to feel at home".

"I'll take my leave by sunrise". I heard Abbadon say. His words made my anxiety level rise, as I started to panic. 

Father was still standing in front of him and I couldn't see his face or his beautiful eyes. 

Mom was holding onto me, after embracing me when she came in and she could sense the panic all over me. All I wanted was to meet his gaze and make him stay for my sake.

"It is my fault, it is all my fault!"

"Father, I am very sorry. Abbadon had nothing to do with it!" I cried out. I had to save the situation. 

"I sneaked out last night without informing you. I shouldn't have done that, I am very sorry".

"Abbadon wanted me to go home last night but I was scared I would be caught returning back to the castle and begged him to stay here until dawn".

"I am truly sorry but please make him stay...he is the only friend that I have!" I blabbed and pleaded all at once.

"Baela, we were worried sick about you!" Father said, as he turned and walked towards me.

"I am very sorry father!" I said, breaking down in tears but he embraced me. It was his way of saying he had forgiven me.

"Why did you come here this late, without telling us?" I heard mom ask. 

"I am really sorry mom". I said, apologising to her too.

"I forgot my food basket and I came back for it". I said, pointing at the food basket on the table. It was ridiculous because I spent the night over but I had to say something.

Father looked puzzled at the food basket and then at me but he didn't say a word. I watched as he let me go and turned to look at Abbadon whose attention was already fixed on me when I cried out.

"Well then".

"It is unusual for a Beta to do this but I must after my daughter has spoken in favour of your honour".

"I am sorry I doubted you and questioned your character Abbadon".

"Indeed there is honour, even amongst thieves and wanderers".

"I'll want you to stay and make the pack your new home".

"Starting from today, I'll want you to feel at  home and welcomed".

"Baela will no longer be coming here to bring you food, rather you will be dining with us at the castle as a friend". I heard my father say. My face lit up instantly with a smile at father and at Abbadon because now he didn't need to leave again. He could stay here with me if he wanted to but I wasn't certain yet what his choice would be.

"I hope my apology and invitation is enough to persuade you to stay?" Father asked, as he looked at him.

I could see Abbadon's eyes wander from me  back to my father.

"Your words are more than enough and your invitation is well accepted". Abbadon said, to my delight.

I almost jumped up where I was standing but I had to restrain myself with every will power in me. I would surely embarrass myself and my parents if I did that.

"That is very good". Father said heartily, as he tapped Abbadon with his right hand on his right shoulder.

"We have to leave now before the sun comes up. Get your things". Father instructed.

"Yes father". I said eagerly, as I quickly picked up my cloak and the food basket.

I knew father wanted to leave immediately while it was still dark, to save me from any further embarrassment

I went to my father alongside my mother and he wrapped his left hand around my shoulder as he led me towards the door. I could only steal a few glances at Abbadon as I left. I couldn't even say a proper goodbye to him.

"Abbadon, I'll like you to be in the castle by sunrise. We will have breakfast together". Father said, as he stopped in his tracks.

"By my word, I will be there Beta Lorgan and Beta Hannah". Abbadon responded one last time, before father led me out of the house with mother.

I was sad to leave, although I knew I would be seeing him in only a few hours. It was probably 4 AM in the morning but I wished I had stayed behind briefly and been given some privacy to have a conversation with him about last night.

I wondered how he felt about me now? I wondered if it drew him closer to me? I wondered if he liked me now?

He was so hard to read and I didn't know and the uncertainty was killing me but I was willing to find out...I was determined to ask him when he comes to the castle today...

Brown Ice

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