
Chapter 3


"I beg your pardon?" I asked flabbergasted by his outrageous request.

How could he possibly expect me to go naked for him? Just like that? Am I a thing or a property of his?

"Was I speaking Latin when I said it? Or are you just stupid and disobedient?" Mr Romano tilted his head to the side, his eyes wandering around the crook of my neck. 

"I am not doing such sir" I refused, clutching on to my dress tight like it could vanish any moment.

"Penso che mi piaccia questo..." he chuckled darkly, apparently smitten by my defiance.

"And why won't you? Have you forgotten I bought you?" He rhetorically asked, his tone gravely low.

"Have you forgotten I own you now! You worthless piece of trash!" He suddenly yelled, almost making me jump out of my skin.

I shuddered and tears brewed up in my ears. His grip on my throat was unwavering, tightening with each passing second. He was slowly choking me.

Me? Worthless? Trash?

"I am not trash sir but a maid meant to serve you and you do not own me yet..." 

He was amused by my retort.

"You haven't signed the contract papers so technically you do not own least not yet" I added, my eyes exuding the anger raging within me.

"You are stubborn and defiant. It has been so long I encountered a bella like you. I would really enjoy playing with you" his voice, a mixture of amusement and anger, dropped low.

"My little toy" he chortled.

The way he spoke sent shivers down my spine and I quivered within me, my blood toppling over.

"You have just three minutes..." he let go off my throat and I took in a sharp intake of air.

"Three minutes?" I asked.

"Oh you are deaf and disobedient? Don't piss me off Bella!" He roared.

I quivered once more. This man was making my heart palpitate at an unreasonable rate. He has such a bad temper.

"You have three minutes to pack your things, say your goodbyes and meet me out there in my limousine. I hate been kept waiting" He ordered sternly, his inflection was so brutal.

  I watched him exit the lounge and the tears I held back came rushing out.

I have not even began working for him yet and I've been choked, yelled upon and addressed like I was a thing. 

 Can I really survive  being with this man?

* * * * *

 The hall was a bit rowdy and boisterous by the time I ventured out of the lounge. My belongings were just few dresses, gowns and trousers, two flat shoes, one cheap heel and just a little bag, all packed inside a bigger bagpack. Yes I was that broke.

  I had been in this business for two years and all my money went in treating grandma's cancer and paying my brother's fees in school. I am singlehandedly juggling everything and none of our relatives have bothered to help. 

Not that I needed them anyways. Life has shown me its tough side and I've taken it head on.

I held onto the bag tightly as I maneuvered my way through the dense crowd of men, horny old men who were here to buy young girls fit to be their daughters. 

Everything irked me and I just wanted to gag.

"Hey Sarah" 

I spurn around fast to be graced with the smiling features of Daniel.

"G-Goodevening sir" I greeted, casting my eyes downwards. He used a finger to lift my chin so that our eyes locked. 

"Why are you avoiding to look at me?" He softly asked. 

Man I wish he bought me and not Mr Romano! He treats me so nice, like an actual person with emotions and  not a commodity he purchased.

"I am s-sorry you couldn't buy me" God why was I stuttering?

A warm smile crossed his lips, "Is that why you look down? And please don't use that term buy? You are a person and not a thing" he corrected me.

I nodded, melting in the warmth and care of his tone. "Thank you sir. I mean Daniel. For trying" 

He took a step closer, a sparkle of curiosity in his eyes. "The man who got you, he is Mr Romano right?" 

I nodded , wondering how he knew him. It seems this man is more famous than I thought. "Yes he is. Do you know him?"

"Well I do but not personally. Can you stay with him, are you sure you can?" his tone tingled with concern.

"I can stay with him Daniel. Any issue?"

I wanted to tell him the honest truth: I can't  stay with such a man, a man who abuses me and requests to see me unclad like I am not a human with emotions. 

But that would be an effort in futility.

Daniel can't do anything and I signed the  contract already. I just have to pray I make it out alive.

"That man is quite mysterious and cunning. I've heard so many tales about him. He is dangerous as well" he divulged.

Oh hell no! 

Am I going to stay with a murderer? Is he a serial killer? My life can't just get any better can it?

"How do you know that he is dangerous? Your tales may not be true" I refused to believe his words.

"But they are..." he replied almost immediately. "I have my ears everywhere.  Mr Emilio Romano is not one to be toyed with. He is the devil himself. Make sure you take extra care of yourself in his home ok" 

I shook with fear but put up a stoic expression. It seems everyone has some story or another to tell about Mr Romano.

"Thank you for the sound advice Daniel. I won't forget you"

I tried to walk past him but he held me back, "Sarah why don't you give me your number please so I can keep in touch with you and your welfare?" Daniel requested.

I thought about it for a while and gave in. There is nothing harmful in it anyway. I called out my digits to him and watched him store it. 

"Thank you so much" he gave a broad smile.

I was about to reply when that same guard that led me to Mr Romano push through the crowd and approached me.

"Mr Romano is waiting for you. You have to come with me now"he ordered rudely. 

Gosh. I quickly baded Daniel goodbye and walked away with the guard. But Daniel's words wouldn't stop lingering in my head.

I know two things for sure about my new owner: he is filthy rich but he is mysterious and dangerous.

Who really is Emilio Romano?

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