

Alana POV

I was immediately overcame by fear at his request. Firstly because I truly wasn’t who I was pretending to be and secondly, showing him my face could spell  more trouble for me than I could even imagine.

I was the traitor’s daughter who has been forbidden from ever stepping her foot into the Alpha’s quarters for fear that I might try to complete the task my father had failed to carry out years ago.

No amount of explanation I give right now would be enough to save me and it doesn’t matter if he was my mate. The chances of me getting punished is still there and once again, I’m left telling myself, if I stall long enough, he might just go away and leave me be.

“Listen here girl, I have just very little patient left. Either you reveal your face to me or face the consequences of your disobedience” He growled out.

I hesitated for another second before grabbing at the scarf covering my face to pull it off but before I could do it completely, another voice had interrupted us, halting me half way.

It was Luna Emilia as she briskly walked over and stood beside her son, “Oh here you are! I was on my way to your chamber to have a word with you about some urgent matter. Come along with me”

And that was my cue at escape. I quickly grabbed the littered clothes on the floor and stashed them into the basket once more and took off down the hall way without looking back.

Even though my wolf was protesting clawing at me for running away from our mate, It was the best I could do to save myself.

Well, with all due respect to her and myself. We are better off without our mate if he so happens to be none other than Kai Everest himself.

He might be our mate but we don’t belong together and the moon goddess is wrong for pairing us as mate.


After my encounter with Kai earlier in the day, I spent the rest of the afternoon hidden away in the laundry room hoping to stay out of sight until it was safe and dark enough to return back to my home.

I knew it was foolish and somewhat cowardly for me to act that way but it was the only way I knew that didn’t involve me getting caught by him or any one of the servants. If that were to happen, I might not live to see the next day.

Aside from putting myself at risk, Suzy could be punished as well for sneaking me into the Alpha’s quarter. She and her family could be named accomplice for something as little as that but luckily for me, I was never caught. I made sure to cover my scent with all the washing detergent I could lay my hands on.

As soon as the hall was clear, I made my way out but as I left my hiding place and towards the secret passage, happy to leave unnoticed, something happened. Something I had never anticipated or thought possible.

Right at the end of the dark alley connecting the secret passage, I took a step forward only to find Kai mounted in my way. At first, he looked like a mirage and could disappear anytime soon but the longer I waited, the more his presence confronted me.

Kai doesn’t look like he was about to walk away anytime soon without knowing who I truly was. I swallowed nervously, my throat completely dry and hands gripping the hem of my dress hard.

I had no escape plan. I have been cornered by him. It was either I somehow develope sudden wings and fly away or let myself be caught by him and of course, the latter was the case as I stood frozen in the ground and staring at him with wide eyes but something in his movement told me he was under the influence of alcohol.

I watched him staggered a few times and noticed he was about to crash to the floor as he sluggishly approached where I stood before I threw all caution to the winds and ran to his side, aiding him to stand back upright.

“Are you okay?”

I only heard a grunt erupt his mouth and nothing else, confirming to me that he was indeed drunk. I thought about asking the guards for help but that would means putting myself in danger of being found out and getting punished, leaving me with only the choice of leaving him there or getting him inside myself.

Deep down in my heart, I knew I couldn’t leave him in such vulnerable state and hopefully he was drunk enough to not recall ever meeting me tonight or I would be doomed once again.

Using whatever strength I could summon, I pulled him upright to lean against me, totally not minding the jolt of electricity shooting through me at the mere contact. Slowly and steadily, I managed to drag him inside and towards his bedroom.

Luckily for me, I was able to do so without being spotted by any servant. I pushed the door open and helped him to sit on the bed before leaning back down to take off his shoes.

Once I was sure he was properly covered by his duvet, I turned to walk away but found his hand holding my wrist in a firm grip than I had ever expected.

Exhaling a shaky breath, I tried to untangle myself from him but instead, got pulled in by him abruptly and I ended up crashing down against him on the bed, my chest slammed onto his hardened one with a gasp.

Panic rose to my cheek as I felt spark fly between us once again. The shiver and excitement was unlike anything I had felt before. It was a feeling I knew I would never feel with someone else except him.

His eyes snapped open and continued to stare at me but luckily, I still had my face covered and the light in the room was turned off as well but I was still squirming under his intense gaze with nowhere to hide or run to.

I tried pushing him away but he won’t budge as his grip around me only tighten and that was when I knew he wasn’t as drunk as he had made himself to look earlier. In fact, he wasn’t even drunk to begin with, Only pretending all along.

“You….you tricked me” I accused, feeling anger rise to my cheek.

His lip turned up in a lopsided smile before he leaned in closer, “You tricked me first” He shot back, “Besides, I had to or you won’t be here right now”

I swallowed the lump in my throat at his words, not believing he was capable of such deception as well but then again, who am I kidding? I don’t even know him that much other than the fact that he was next in line to the Luna and would be Alpha one of these days and now here we are.

Letting my curiosity get the best of me, I opened my mouth to question his intention once again. “But why? Why do you want me here?”

“Because you're mine and I will be damned if I let you escape me one more time”.

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