
Chapter 4 - Let's fight!

Chris' PoV

"Aaahhh....mmmmm" I groaned as I kept turning in my king size bed that felt so comfortable that I don't even want to open my eyes however I knew it was about time for me to start morning training since the shimmering bright light hit my face making me quite uncomfortable. 

And in a matter of fact, I was never a morning person, I much prefer to have my room quite dark but if I do that, I may just lock myself in my room the whole day and sleep but that is something I would not like since I'll become super lazy. So, for me to wake up on time, I purposely didn't make my blinds a dark colour allowing light to come in and since the window is next to my bed, as soon as the sun rises, the light would shine through into my bedroom making the whole place super bright so regardless of whether I want to wake up, I would not be in the mood to carry on sleeping. 

And that is basically the situation I am in now. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked towards my right side of the bed as I saw the clock striking 6am and in half an hour, my alarm would ring. But since I am awake now, I might as well prepare myself for the upcoming day. 

Removing the blanket that provided me warmth during the night and welcoming the coldness of the day despite how sunny the weather was. I then swung my legs over the bed and onto the floor where I wore my comfy slippers and slowly stood up making my way towards the bathroom that was joined to my bedroom, I first took a quick shower taking around 10 minutes which freshened me up, I then covered myself with a towel then brushed my teeth and washed my face.

After I was done, I came out of the bathroom and went towards my closet, bringing out my most beloved and cosy black jacket and a pair of leggings. 

After getting changed and ensuring my appearance was alright in the mirror, I then checked the time, it was nearly half past 6, switching off my alarm clock for the day, I tidied my room, ensuring my bedsheets was folded and clean, opened the window sill and the windows allowing fresh air to enter my room and before leaving I looked around ensuring I was satisfied before making my way downstairs to the living room. 

As I walked down the stairs, I only see a few packs members majority of which have already finished their meals and made their way towards the training ground to start with some light exercises or are getting ready for school. 

As I approached the kitchen, I got several "good mornings" and greetings which I replied to them kindly with a smile. And as I got to the kitchen, I quickly made myself a bowl of cereals before bringing them towards the living room table where I sat down and brought out my phone to check whether I've received any messages or calls but luckily there was none meaning today should be quite peaceful. However, I may have said that too soon. 

After 5 minutes, I was finally finished with my breakfast, I took my bowl and spoon towards the kitchen sink where I washed then and put them on the rack to dry before making my way outside onto the field where training takes place. 

And like the usual, everyone was on time for their morning training that starts at 7am, or more like they are keen for training since it is only 6:37am.

As I walked up to them, I first registered their attendance.

"Okay, now that everyone is here. We should start with a light warmup, everyone starts running 20 laps in human form, no cheating" I said whilst hearing several, "yes."

Luckily for me no one complained. I guess it’s because they were used to it since the beginning, I have always trained this way and have always taught them to go beyond their limit if they ever want to become strong, strong enough to protect the people they care about, strong enough so that they would not ever be looked down or bullied again. And it was due to these aspirations, no one ever questioned how I formed the training regime. 

And as their trainer, I may be harsher than Zack or Sarah or even any other werewolves or supernatural beings but nevertheless it was for their own good. And as for me, I would also join in and that could also be another reason why no one complained since the person who planned it all is also participating. 

And luckily for us, if we formed muscle ache or any injury or pain after training, it can easily be healed due to our genes causing us to have strong self-healing abilities. 

~half an hour later~

The last member has arrived at the finish line, everyone was quite out of breath, but it was better than the beginning where everyone can only run for 1 lap before collapsing onto the ground. Now they run the full 20 laps without collapsing. 

With a smile plastered on my face on how proud I was of them I then called everyone to listen up, "Okay, now that the warmup is done, instead of doing the usual why don't we mix it up a bit and do some combat fighting?" I asked quite excitedly whilst everyone hesitated for a bit before nodding in excitement. 

"Okay, the rules are simple, you just have to beat me." I said which shocked everyone, "you could use whatever in your disposable except for any lethal weapons, you could also all attack at once but think carefully. You would win as long as you make me fall onto the ground" I said excitedly with a smile whilst everyone looked at each other before agreeing to the terms before they all charged at me in threes. 

It was quite a nice strategy since I'll be cornered in all direction and there isn't a lot, so they aren't restricting each other’s movement and as one drops out another comes in. And since its all of them fighting one opponent, this was more of a test of endurance, the side that lasts the longest without collapsing is the winner. And since they know I am stronger than them, they're using strategies which are quite clever of them, I like it. I thought proudly.

But still will that be enough?

~few hours later~

clap, clap, clap as I dusted off the dirt on my hands and then my clothes before looking at the ground where everyone lied exasperating for air.

I smiled, "That was great, you all did super well. Okay now go and rest up and I'll see you all tomorrow" I said whilst everyone replied with "yes" again. With that I made my way straight to the large rock bolder at the side of the training field where I left my phone. Picking it up I saw the screen full of phone calls and messages from my secretary. I opened it and read the messages sent to me which says there is a meeting at 3pm that I must attend, looking at the time now, I saw it was already 2pm. 

It takes around forty minutes to arrive by car since it was in town which was farther away from the pack which is in the middle of nowhere in the forest. 

And seeing how it was a great weather, instead of driving or using my motorbike. I thought it was a great opportunity to do some afternoon running so I transformed into my wolf form, mind-linked everyone that I'll be out for a while and then left. 

~An hour later~

"Now let the meeting begin"

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