
With Sebastian, It Would Be Difficult For Her

A small smile settled on the lips of the di lui for seeing him standing there, however, did not appear long.

—Sofía, you can show her room. The ex-alpha ordered. Guillermo was excused by the two young women and went directly to his office, he was reached by his housekeeper. Keys and confidant, Maria.

The young people were on the second floor when they met in everyone's rooms, well, almost all of them. The only one who lived in the attic was the mayor, who cloistered without leaving. Something unknown, but the noise of some footsteps adorned the silence of those corridors.

A few hours passed, exactly three, and Don Guillermo stayed in his study reading some books that he bought the day before going to Madeleine. Maria entered subtly announcing herself.

"Sir, dinner is almost ready," Maria spoke from the door, encouraging herself to enter. Ask, what is her plan? I gave her the idea of bringing her here. I don't deny her decision, I just called her the attention of the person who wears it, but you never put up with these outbursts, I would support you at any time

Yes, but to get it I don't want to imagine that I thought about it in a house with Sebastian because it would be difficult for her," she said worriedly.

"Calm down, Maria, I have my ideas, you don't have to worry, besides, that everything will come to pass, improve from now on". She smiled leaving the woman even more worried, she was going to say one more thing when

A growl shook the house, from among the woods, a growl that had not been heard for years.


Alpha is Alexter! She has gone up to her room, but how? María quickly looked out the window, Don Guillermo settled next to hers, and they watched as she ran back Madeleine made the house a little overwhelmed, and she ran in order to rejoice back. "So they've already contracted, I didn't think it would be so fast," the alpha murmured, then a sweet smile of full happiness settled on Lui's lips.

"What has alpha planned? What is she really doing here?" -He asked incredulously to know that the Young Alexter rose from his room to him.

"Relax, only time will give you the answer to your questions, now let's go to dinner".

She left the room without another word. That she was exactly planning the ex-alpha of the Itreque pack, what Is Madeleine doing there? Maria doubted many when she saw him leave the studio with one step.

Calm, with his hands behind his back and a slight, but noticeable smile in his eyes. Those lands have been cursed for years, long before they sat down, the lost, have piled up in the Itreque herd one after another, seeing Don Guillermo happy is something that before the eyes Maria held on for a while without opening, sighed and settled on her rope only to climb and close behind her. In the studio, she asked di lei inside her that from now on things would improve, but oppression in her di lei chest.

She assures that sometimes her requests from him have not been asked.

The men here are so peculiar

Madeleine was waiting in her room, Sofia had left her alone a few minutes, the blonde didn't she wanted to harass her with questions, much less with her talk, she understood about such a long trip and about.

After the recent loss of her childhood friend, Madeleine looked at her suitcase wondering if she had to unpack it completely, now she was totally alone in the world, the only family tie.

She lost it and recorded that her father had died in the revolt of the magician and her breath shuddered and her tears burst into despair, she began to breathe rapidly with her eyes closed and the intention to think about something else, but you can't, the question you don't want to have is satisfied "If only married that day, do you have a reason for life?"

Period, she stops at the altar dressed in white, but the newcomer did not receive it, on the contrary, he received a card.

"Forgive me, I can't" a few words that proved how cowardly the man who I say that I love her was. The worst thing was not that, seeing that her best friend who claimed to be her sister did not arrive either and the last piece clicked days after she found out that they were both together when she blamed her.

She acted with another letter saying "friend forgive me I fell in love" so it was not a crazy idea in my head.

She then returned to the existential doubt of whether or not she should unpack that suitcase that only carried clothes and her immense sadness, Don Guillermo was clear in her offer, telling her that he was also free from be as long as he wants, but now he was aware that he was in unknown lands and full of Regards, it's nice for him to run into Sofia, not so much with Sebastian that he shows his total displeasure.

Before she's there, her breathing fluctuates several times before she can even consider responding to him but she remembers. That she had a promise not to give Don Guillermo problems, also that she must not forget who are werewolves.

She rarely got into her father's business in a matter of meetings that took place with a group of werewolves in Mexico understood that he was the link of the herd of Don Guillermo, I let go of his rudeness to carry the party in peace and his stay there.

She was no longer more uncomfortable than she is; but the one who does not come among the people who received him in the son of mayor Alexter, they remember him slightly from the trips that he accompanied Don Guillermo, but he remembers that she talked with him and above all that she laughed with him although they were few conversations because…

Maria Fisher

Cheer me up.

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