
Sexual Attraction

Georgina's POV

"My queen?" He called and I blinked at him before a smile spread on my lips. I totally forgot that he had said something.

"What were you saying?" I asked as I moved the invisible strand of hair and placed it behind my ear. As I spoke, I made my way to sit beside the lake, just where he was sitting before I came.

"Is there anything you would want me to do for you, Luna?" He asked as he stood behind me and I nodded,

"Yes, come sit here" I patted the ground and waited for him to come over.

He looked reluctant to do so at first but finally made his way to sit beside me. A smile spread on my lips as I looked at the water instead of him.

"Feel free," I said to him when I noticed how he sat, he wasn't as relaxed anymore.

"I don't bite" I winked at him and he let out a nervous laugh. I gulped when I saw him laugh, he is the most handsome man I have ever seen and I am not kidding.

Under the moonlight, he is like a man-god or is it god-man, so handsome that my wolf can't keep still. I still don't understand how Pamela does not see the looks but only cares about the money.

We both remained quiet, I tried not to stare much so he didn't feel uncomfortable. Because of how silent the place was, my mind began to drift to the reason I had come here in the first place. Thomas was sleeping with a maid.

Shaking my head, I decided to distract myself from that thought. Godfrey also seems to need a distraction as well.

"Tell me about yourself" I initiated a conversation because he looked like he wasn't going to. He looked at me before he shrugged,

"There's nothing much about myself"

I giggled and playfully slapped his arms, I swear, I felt electricity all through my body. I paused to look at him, cleared my throat, and decided to get back to the main point on the ground,

"That can't be true. There must be something"

I loved how he smiled causing my heart to skip a beat, he finally spoke,

"I am a street boy who got the opportunity to work here in the palace. That's all about me, really"

My brows furrow as I wonder why he doesn't want to tell me about him. Or was it because I was the queen?

"What about your parents?" I asked,

"None. No mother, no father" he replied casually as if he wasn't hurt, but I was hurt on his behalf. I knew the pain of not having either a mother or a father. Was he used to the pain that he no longer feels it anymore?

"When… when my daughter rejected you, how did you feel?" I asked carefully, making sure to look at his every reaction.

He bowed his head before he began to pick his fingers, his action made me smile. He looked timid, like someone I really wanted to protect and place under my wings.

"I wasn't expecting her to accept me" he began, "I don't know why the moon goddess has to choose her as my mate. She is just… perfect and beautiful, and, I'm just a poor slave. I don't deserve her, I don't know what the moon goddess was thinking"

My heart broke when I saw the look of defeat all around him. He called Pamela perfect and beautiful, then called himself poor, what about handsome? He is a really handsome boy and I don't think anyone's look could match his.

I sighed when I saw the dejected look on his face. He was way too young and sweet to face rejection like that.

"I'm sorry to ask but how old are you?"

He looked up at me, those eyes..! Those damn sexy eyes!

"I'd be 21 on Sunday" he grinned and I chuckled. A very handsome twenty one year old is causing my heart to beat rapidly.

"Were you hurt when she rejected you?" I asked again and he nodded with his head bowed,

"Yes, there was something that happened to my wolf and he has been silent since then. I know it would hurt him because we have been looking forward to meeting our mate"

Can I be your mate instead? My wolf whined and I rolled my eyes, thank goodness, I didn't blurt that out.

I was about to adjust my sitting position when my hand touched his on the ground and I felt electricity all over my body again! My eyes snapped to look at him and he quickly apologized,

"I'm sorry ma'am, it was my mistake"

I swear, that wasn't a mistake at all. It was a feeling I wanted to feel again and again. He makes me feel alive, his voice, his words, his smile, his laughter, and now his touch.

I felt goosebumps all over, I wondered what would happen if I kissed him. My eyes moved down from his eyes to his lips and remained there.

His pink thin lips were inviting me over to have a taste and I know I shouldn't but I don't think I could help it. I didn't want to but it was difficult especially when my wolf wanted a taste of him also.

He moved his head to look back at the water, he knew I was staring at him, he could feel my gaze at him like a hungry lion who was ready to attack his prey.

I watched how he swallowed, my eyes followed and saw his Adam's apple move as he swallowed. My eyes moved back to his lips and I saw him lick them nervously.

I swear, I couldn't hold myself anymore, I turned his head to look at me before slamming my lips on his. My body quickly reacted to the kiss, it was like I was dead and now I am alive. Although he didn't reciprocate the kiss due to shock I guess, I was enjoying every bit of it.

A moan escaped my lips when he moved his.

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