
7: Game, Set, Martyred

“I’m fine Mrs. Cosby, I just want to get some air. I’m also assuming you might have some important things to discuss with aKaitano, so I’ll go sit by the fire.”

“Alright, dear. We won’t be long,” the older woman, smiled at him.

Once outside, Reyan shook his head. “What is it with these older women?” he muttered, heading to the fire pit where they had all conversed before the meal.

He sat down calmly and waited.

The moment they said his name, he became privy to their entire conversation. Kano mentioned him first.

“Reyan is a fast learner. His age and his rank could be of great use to us.”

“Is he a safe asset? Where are his parents?” his brother asked him.

“Dead. He was roaming the rural areas of northern Zambia, clearly looking for purpose and excitement. He has no one.”

“Can he be trusted?”

“That’s why I brought him here tonight.” Pause. “A decision needs to be made. Do we train him or trade him?”

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