
The Experimental Professor 5

Josh stood behind her, thinking that maybe she had been into the other professor for some reason though he couldn’t see why. The older man was not attractive in the least. He had been at least twenty to thirty years older than the woman in front of him now. Josh knew that he was much closer in age to her in his later twenties. However, he was not one to judge people on their preferences on what they liked. He didn’t think that this female would be into an old professor who didn’t have the balls to step up when coming to her brother.

The outfit she wore was not one that was good for him getting any real work done. He would be trying to see much more of her. The shirt was tighter than most though it was still appropriate for work, but the skirt she had on was rising up as she bent over. He bet if he took a few steps back, he could see the beginning of her panties. The thought made his cock twitch a bit. He leaned back against the door that he now shut. He almost groaned as he let his head stay on the door for a minute. She didn’t even realize that affected him like this.

“Are you going to help?” She asked as she turned over her shoulder. Seeing her profile, he saw something in her that she didn’t want others to see. She was quite attractive under her layer of shyness. She tried to hide it, though. Possibly she didn’t even know it was there in the first place.

“Actually, I was thinking I like the view better,” Josh said, and she stood up all the way. Her total height was still only up to his shoulder. He chuckled as she mouthed the word view and then turned to look at him and then out the window. She shook her head and then went back to work, lifting the piles of paper and placing them in neater higher stacks so she could sort them later. “So, Miss Martin, why is it you don’t need to be a paying job?”

“I already have a job,” she said without looking at him. She just continued to work picking up one thing and placing it on another pile.  

“Doing?” He asked.

“I own a small business and make a few things.” She said. She really didn’t want to talk about what she did. She kept school at school, work at work. Though she wanted to make it a little bigger, right now was not the right time. She was busy trying to get done with the university. She would be able to upgrade her setup later. Right now, she had to wait for deliveries of the raw products to get there, and then she did what she needed to.

“Such as?” he asked and was chuckling, knowing that this was a defensive measure that she must have. She didn’t let people close to her or know too much. He understood that. He had it as well to a point. It was from growing up in a well-known family. You never knew if they wanted to be friends with you or they wanted to be a part of the family for whatever they wanted. It was a way for so many people to further their own interests.

“I make a few makeup things.” She said. As she continued. Small talk was not one of the things she was good at. She just wanted to work. At least to clear the floor for some where to walk around in.

“What kinds of makeup things?” He asked as she tilted his head. This couldn’t be the small business owner that was outselling one of his father's companies in cosmetics. They knew the person had to be based somewhere in the area, but the quality they were getting was beyond what they could do in the labs. If it was this mouse of a woman he just hired, he would personally give her a grant to make more of whatever. He would relish in the fact that he would be funding the woman who was better as a small business than his father.

“Some lip balms, Lipsticks, some powder blushes, eyeshadow, you know the basics.” She said as she looked at him.

“And the name of the company?” he asked. He hoped she would tell him if it was her without telling him it was her. He knew the companies name because her father had done research on the company. He was trying to get them to join forces.

“Silk shadows.” She said as she was continuing what she was doing without any thought about what she had just said. He chuckled. This mouse was a find on so many levels. She had become the bane of his father's company. He thought it was rather funny that she had just walked into his employment. “Why?”

“Just curious.” He said. “I would like to see your base of operations if possible.”

“Why?” She asked. Now she was alert. No one asked that unless they were in the business themselves. She had never shown anyone any part of what she did.

“Heard of Top till cosmetics?”  He asked as he looked at her, and she hadn’t stopped working. She was working faster than he thought was possible to clear a good section of the carpeted floor.

“Of course, who hasn’t?” She said as she turned and looked at him.

“Well, my father owes it.” He said. “I believe he has probably been harassing you to sell to him or at least your formulas.”

“He has.” She said as she looked at him.

“I would love to see the base of operations of the person handing him his ass,” Josh said with a grin. Jasmine knew he was telling the truth right then. He was taking great pleasure with the idea the woman in front of him was a rival to the business his father had.

“You won’t report back to him?” She asked as she looked at him. For some reason, she was trusting the man in front of her. He could make her life even more of a living hell if he released the information it was her running the business. So far, it was just the company that was being hit by letters or offers for her products. Not her personally.

“Nope.” He said with a smile. “The fact that you are beating him against the wall in sales for nearly a year with a small business has brought me a huge amount of pleasure. Knowing that I now know the person who is responsible for this, and she works for me, and I am giving her access to one of the family labs, is even sweeter. I think that this could be even better than I did before.”

“Why is that?” she asked and turned a bit but lost balance and ended up tipping over, and he moved fast to catch her mid-fall. He had her in his arms in a moment. He just looked at her there in his arms.  

“Because.” He said as he just held her there, “This might be more beneficial to both of us.”

“Why?” she asked though she noted that he wasn’t moving her to stand up again. He leaned forward and was not far from her mouth. He was almost nose to nose with her.

“You aren’t one of my students, correct?” He asked as he whispered.

“No,” she replied.

“You aren’t working for me for money, correct?” he whispered again.

“No.” She said.

“Good, so when I do this, it isn’t for power or control.” He said as he lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss flared to life in a way she didn’t understand. It was like being in a fire with him being the wood. He stood her up but didn’t lift off of her. Soon his hands were framing her face. She had to hold on to his shirt to stay standing up against him. For the first time in her life, her knees felt weak. The kiss was supposed to be quick and simple.  

His hand moved from her face to her neck and held her there gently while his other hand ran down her side and lightly touched the sides of her breast. It sent waves down her spine. No one had quite touched her like that before. He lifted off her mouth and looked down at her as he didn’t let go of her neck or move his hand away. “Now, that surprised me.” He said softly. “However, I find I want more. Can I have that?”

She just looked at him with widened eyes. She had heard of professors and students having relationships, but she wasn’t his student. There was no benefit for her or him to continue like this. That was when it hit her. He just wanted her.

“What do you want, Josh?” she asked softly just to make sure she was right.

“You.” He said, and his voice was different when he spoke. It was lower, and the deepness filled the room though he had said it softly. His hand was still there in the back of her neck. They were inches apart with not much space in between them. He was waiting before he spoke again. He could see the slight confusion in her eyes. “You wrapped around me.”

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