

As I prepared breakfast, the echoes of Luke's harsh words still resonated in my mind. With trembling hands, I scrambled eggs and buttered toast, trying to distract myself from the pain gnawing at my heart. Once the meal was ready, I set it on the table, but instead of joining Luke as usual, I silently slipped away to the basement, locking the door behind me.

I sat on the floor of my cracky room and I started to weep,What could I do to make Luke love me ,I contributed to making this marriage work being a faithful wife but yet I never received reciprocation.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sank to the floor, my sobs echoing in the empty room. Why did things have to be this way? Why couldn't I make things right with Luke?

Just as I thought I couldn't bear the anguish any longer, a knock on the door jolted me from my thoughts. Madame Claire's stern voice pierced through the silence. "You there, girl! Come out this instant. Go and assist with the party arrangements."

" Luke asked me to remain here" I said barely above a whisper.

" Are you insane! Come out now and do what I asked"

Wiping away my tears, I reluctantly stood up and I followed her to the garden, Bracing myself for whatever task Madame Claire had in store for me. As I stepped into the bustling household, I forced a smile onto my face, masking the pain I felt.

After the preparations ended, Evening came and the guest started arriving, My eyes met with Luke as he was approaching me,I ran out of sight because I knew he was about warning me to stay away.

For hours, I busied myself with setting up decorations and arranging tables, all the while feeling like a ghost haunting my own home. The sounds of laughter and chatter from the arriving guests echoed through the halls, a painful reminder of the happiness that eluded me.

As the party kicked into full swing, I retreated to a quiet corner, hidden from sight. From my hidden point, I watched as friends and family mingled, their joyful expression made me jealous,I longed for this kind of happiness

Feeling utterly alone, I reached for my phone and dialed my sister Nelly's number. As her familiar voice greeted me on the other end.

" Hey sis , Happy wedding anniversary" She squealed and I sighed,I wished it was a happy anniversary.

" Yeah right…Where are you it's a bit noisy?" I asked and she shouted trying to make me hear her.

" I'm running errands for dad…So how is the celebration kicking off" She asked and I sighed.

" There is no celebration, Luke and his mom instructed that I hide in my room and I can't come out till the party is over"

" What ! But you are his wife…What's the deal ?"

" I do not know Nelly…. I'm trying to be a good housewife but Luke never misses a chance to bully me , He recently called me a highschool dropout like he wasn't the reason I dropped out" I cried out.

" I can't believe I used to date that jerk…"

" Was he like this to you " I asked.

" Does that matter? Carina don't let them get to you okay…You have me and you have your beautiful daughter…Okay? I have to go now,Talk to you later…ciao" She said and hung up.

" Why is she in a hurry" I sighed.

As I sat at the dining table, the salty taste of tears still lingering on my lips, feeling drained and sad, I suddenly felt really thirsty. Slowly, I got up and walked to the kitchen, feeling heavy and tired. I just wanted a glass of water to soothe my parched throat. Slowly, I made my way to the kitchen, my footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

As I reached for a glass from the cupboard, a flicker of movement caught my eye. Peering through the doorway, my heart dropped as I witnessed a sight that made my blood run cold. in the kitchen, There, right before my eyes, was Luke, my husband, kissing another woman. And not just any woman, it was Nelly, my own sister. My heart felt like it was being torn apart. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How could he knowing that our daughter could have been the one witnessing? My mind reeled with the betrayal of it all. And then, as if the scene couldn't get any more surreal, I had recognized the woman in Luke's arms. It was Nelly, my own sister, the same person I had turned to for solace just moments ago. The glass slipped from my fingers, shattering on the floor as I let out a horrified scream .

The sound of my cry pierced the air, drawing their attention. Luke and Nelly turned to face me, their expressions a mix of surprise and indifference. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to comprehend the magnitude of their betrayal.

"Nelly... how could you?" I choked out, my voice barely above a whisper.

Nelly couldn't look me in the eye. "I'm sorry, Carina," she mumbled softly, but her apology felt empty, like it couldn't undo the damage that had been done.

Luke just smirked at me, his eyes cold and cruel. "Clean up that mess," he ordered, his voice filled with disdain.

"No... I won't," I whispered defiantly.

Enraged, Luke's grip tightened on Nelly's waist as he leaned in to kiss her once more, the sight a cruel mockery of the love we never for once shared. The pain of their betrayal threatened to consume me, but I refused to let them see my weakness.

As I stumbled out of the kitchen, the pain in my heart was almost unbearable. And then, as if to add insult to injury, I felt a sharp sting in my hand. Looking down, I saw blood dripping from where a piece of glass had pierced my skin.

The pain was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to the ache in my chest. I felt like my whole world was falling apart, like I was drowning in a sea of sadness and betrayal.

I wept till dawn,I couldn't sleep and ih the morning, Luke and Madame Claire burst into my room.

" Sign it …. It's our divorce paper"

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bessie McKnight
Brutal treatment wow .
goodnovel comment avatar
Kidist Kd Deboch
Happy birthday to you ............ and happy anniversary to you ...... and lovely

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