
Chapter 4 -Validity

As I observed my mother’s reaction, I knew something was defiantly off, “Of course,” I turned to my mom, and said, “Let’s go,”

“After you,” she replied nervously,

“Sure,” I walked ahead of her,

Good thing the veal was out of the way; as I walked closer, I could see him more clearly. The man was beyond beautiful with eyes as blue as the ocean, and his bisect, was to die for but then again, that gave him to right to take advantage of my family situation.

I mean what kind of an asshole demand marriage for a deal such as that? I’ve only been in London for just a day and I’m already married, the thought of it alone is making me want to scream out.

Instead of sitting next to him, I decided to sit further from the both of them, while my mother took a seat close to my father, the moment he noticed me, “What are you doing here?” he asked,

“I asked her to join us,” Lucian replied, and coldly, “Is there a problem?” 

“Oh no, I’m just surprised,” Father responded, with the same horrified expression I had seen on mother's face,

Now I was convinced that something was off, and since they were not saying anything, let’s just listen to their interaction' I thought to myself.

As I sat in silence and listened to both of their conversations, something kept ticking at the center of my head and I realized it was the continuous mention of the word ‘gambled your wealth away,’ it was not sitting right with me, and for some reason, Lucian kept on repeating and my parents just waved it off.

I turned to him, “Wait a second!” I smiled, “Why do you keep mentioning ‘gambled your wealth away? For some reason, it’s not sitting well with me?” I asked him,

“Oh dear, it’s fine. We are just having an adult conversation,” My father said brushing me off,

Huh! “Yes, I noticed Father,” I replied not yet satisfied, “But even at that, why are you letting him harass you with that ‘gambled’ statement? I mean, it’s enough that your lost everything to a conman, you don’t have to keep abiding by his rules just to receive help from him.” I snapped, “One would think after such unreasonable demand, he…..”

"Mira!" Father cuts in, his anger was visible. "I told you--"

“Unreasonable demand?” Lucian questioned cutting him off rudely, “Please, do tell me when I have ever made an unreasonable demand to you?” he asked,

“Mira that’s enough,” Mother said trying to shut me up,

“Well, for starters, do you know that this is the first time in four years I’m visiting London?” I questioned, “And suddenly boom, I’m married, because someone made a demand, if it’s not unreasonable, then what is it?” I asked looking him in the eyes.

“That’s a good questioned,” He smirked sipping his drink and glaring at my father, “but you know what I’ll let your father explain the situation to you dear,” he added,

"he already did," I slammed him, 

"Are you sure?" he questioned and I halted.

"What do--" Why was he asking me that? Of course, my parents already explained everything to me, right? Or was there something am missing?-- I turned sideways, staring at my father, "Is there something am missing here?" I questioned him.

“No, my dear--," Dad replied with his eyes glued to the papers in his hand. 

"That's right. I already know of the situation," I replied jadedly,

“Please do tell,” he said,

“Fine. My father told me…..”

“That’s enough,” Dad said all of a sudden, standing up from his seat, he then turned to Mr Creed, “Thank you for your generosity, but we’ll like to take our leave, now.” He said with a nervous smile,

“My dear you must do your best to put up with everything until the time is right,” Mother said urging,

Why were there in a hurry? I pondered as I stared at both their nervous expression, the only thought that crossed my mind then was that maybe, just maybe their face was because of fear. They might be scared of the Creed, I mean, who wouldn’t with guards swimming in and out of the house and worst, and he was powerful…. So yeah, maybe,

“Of course, just be careful on your way,” I smiled.

“Sure dear, and thanks again,” Dad said and when I attempted to see them off, my father looked at me weirdly, “You don’t need to worry about seeing us off, we’ll go ourselves, just watch out,” he said and left,

“Okay….” I murmured as I watched him and my mother disappear through the door, I sighed and turned to Lucian who was already rising from his seat, “Do you have to scare my parents like that?” I questioned him,

He turned a cold glare at me, “I don’t know what you are talking about,” he denied, and turn to Josie the maid, “Get my jewelry now,” he commanded,

“Yes sir,” she replied trembling,

“Ah!" I snapped,  "Bastard what makes you think I would want your fucking jewelry,” I slammed him, and pulled the whole thing over my neck, “Here you go,” I ram it onto his chest, “I think it would look good on you,” I said and went up to my room,

Ken sighed as he watched me climb the stairs in a fit, “She is one angry volcano, and I don't think it's a good idea to leave her here to erupt,” he said,

“Meaning?” Lucian asked looking at his wired secretary,

“From her attitude, it’s obvious that the said parents didn’t tell her the truth about the whole mess they got in. To her, you probably demanded her hand in marriage while threatening her family.” He said then halted turning to his boss,

“Yeah, I thought as much. Did you see the way they were hurrying?” he asked and laughed at the thought, "It's so obvious, what they were trying to do."

“Yes boss it was," he replied and halted for a while before adding, "So should I inform Mrs Dolman about the truth?” Ken asked,

“No!…." Lucian snapped, "Why the hell would you do that?' he questioned a little taken aback by the sudden righteous act.

"Sorry boss, I just thought--"

"It's not for you to think Ken, just do as you are told," he cuts him off and added "Let’s see how things will play out. It's been a while since I dealt with the spiteful little lioness.” He added while grinning,

“Sure boss if you say so,” even though it’s probably not a good idea, Ken added in his mind. Sighing, “So, should I cancel your business trip to Norway?” he asked again,

Turning almost immediately, “Seriously-- what the hell is wrong with you today?” Lucian found himself asking, "Why do you keep suggesting things, you know I wouldn't want to do?"

“Well your honeymoon with the……” he started to say but trayed off when he saw the boss's cold blue eyes looking down on him, “Hmmm sorry sir, I will prepare for it right now,” he change his words,

“You"d better, we leave in Ten minutes,” he instructed,

Honeymoon!  he says, What garbage, as soon as he returned from his trip, he plans to end the so-called marriage, since there were not many witnesses it will be easy as snapping the neck of a bird.

The Dolmans were his enemy, one he plans to teach a very good lesson to, and not make them into his family member. He doesn’t plan on marrying anyone not now not ever, he just wanted to have a little fun and with the look of things, it seems like the daughter is a hater of the Creed as well. good, because it will make his job much easier.

“Sir, It's ready, let’s go,” Ken said from the doorway,

"Good," he mutters.

After instructing the maids on the next step to take, he and Ken flew out of London, unknowingly to the new wife.


Mary sighed as she slumped on the sofa, “Why do people get married when they don’t like each other? I would never know,” she pondered aloud as she stares at the ceiling,

“Even if the boss plans on marrying someone, shouldn’t it be someone worth presenting?” Lisa questioned, she wasn't a fan of the boss's wife, it would seem.

“What do you mean someone presenting?” Mary asked, “She is beautiful.” She added,

“Ugh, like you would know a true beauty when you see one,” Lisa slammed her again

“Hey! Take that back,” Mary blurted out angrily,

“Enough you two,” Josie suddenly said after a while of watching them arguing, “It shouldn’t concern us what the boss's choice is. All we have to do here is our job and nothing else.” He scolded both of them while sighing.

Even though she said that, it was obvious that she was worried, when Mr Creed called to instruct her, she almost thought he was going to ask her to lock the new miss inside until he returns but, surprised that he gave her a golden bank card to give to her and instructed them to do whatever she demands, compared to other time, that was shocking.

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