
3. I Own Libellule Couture


She heard a voice behind her and turned to face whoever was invading her moment. “How could you tell?” She said as he steps closer to her, then leaning against the balustrade. “Most of the women in there love the limelight, while you’re standing out here hiding away. Could there be any other reason?” He said in a voice laced with honey that sent a tingle up her spine.

Who was this man? “I was hoping to slip out without being noticed. I didn’t realize I was being watched,” she said and laughed while looking him up and down. She could not help but think how handsome he looked in his Armani tailored suit.

“How could you not stand out? You are by far the most beautiful here tonight,” he said with a wink, causing her to chuckle.“Trying to charm me, sir?” she said and looked at him in amusement. “I was, actually. But it doesn’t look like you’re easily charmed.” He said as a slight pout formed on his full lips and Elizabeth had to pry her eyes away from staring at him.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t come here to be charmed...” She looked down at her hands, then back up at him. “Being here feels like a chore.” She said with honesty and blanched at her own words. Why was she saying these things? For all she knew, this was an important man that would need charming later on.

The gent looks at her playfully. “A chore? How so?” he asked, inquisitive. She looked wistfully at the guests through the glass door. “My mother sent me here to woo a very important somebody. But if I am being honest, this whole thing seems medieval. Arranged marriage? I do not think I could go through with something like that. I still have so much left to do with my life and being tied down to someone I don’t know was not a part of my future plans.” She said and kicked herself again when she realized that she might have said too much. She cleared her throat. “Oh gosh, I’m not usually so bold as to express my feelings. It must be the champagne. I should go back inside and mingle.”

Just as she turned around to walk away, he grabbed her gently by her wrist. “No, please. I like to hear honesty. The only thing I hear all day is ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’ and frankly, it gets annoying. And pleasantries do feel like a chore, mind you.” He said and grinned at her while putting emphasis on the word ‘chore’. Feeling like she could relate, she responded, “Tell me about it! That is me all day in meetings where investors want me a part of their company just because my brand is doing well. I’d prefer some ballsy courage to a wimpy suck up.” Laughing at her honesty, he leaned against the balustrade again, this time exposing an Audemars-Piguet watch.

“Who is this man? That is a $1.5 million watch!” Elizabeth thought to herself and her eyes widened. She cleared her throat lightly and continued, “Working in a design studio all day, there are bound to be suck-ups, which is something they don’t explain to you in design school.”

The stranger perked up at this. “You work in a design studio?” he asked, seeming genuinely interested. She nodded, “Yes. While I am an heiress, I own a fashion house; Libellule Couture. It has been my baby since I was 20 years old and fresh out of college.” She said with a genuine smile, the first one for the evening. He raised his eyebrows, “Dragonfly... Wow, not just a beautiful face, but a talented one, too. Color me impressed.” He said, then he added while smiling, “I like a woman who isn’t scared to work. These socialites bore me to death.”

Blushing, she looked down and smiled. “Thank you..” she trailed off, then felt him moving closer. He tilted her head up and looked into her eyes with an intense gaze. “A beautiful woman like you should never look down like that, it hides your shine.” He said in a low, husky voice. With her heart caught in her throat, she stared at him and noticed that his eyes were different colours. One green and one blue.

“Your eyes-“

He quickly let go of her and blinked, a frown forming on his face. “Heterochromia. It tends to unnerve people,” He said, looking uncomfortable. Elizabeth stared at him and shook her head. “I think they’re beautiful.” She said, again not thinking before she spoke. His head whips up, and he looked at her with a sincere smile that had her heart doing a flip. “Thank you, you’re the first person ever to compliment my eyes.” He said and Elizabeth could do nothing but smile back, feeling enchanted by his gaze.

Then suddenly, as if he just realized something and snapped out of a daze, he cleared his throat. “Thank you for this conversation. It was something I needed this evening. But I must take my leave.” He said, then taking her hand, he brings it closer to his lips and kisses the back of it. “I hope we meet again in the future, little dragonfly.” Then he turned around, leaving nothing behind but his Clive Christian scent.

Elizabeth watched him walk away and exhaled, noticing she had been holding her breath since he kissed the back of her hand. Mentally kicking herself, she realizes she did not even introduce herself or ask for his name.

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