
5. A trailer

The girl's ear-piercing scream brought him to a halt. His hands froze, and as the scream grew louder, he paused and looked to his right to confirm that he had indeed heard a cry. When the girl yelled out once more, he left me on the bed, swiftly opening the door and dashing out as if someone's life depended on it.

When he was leaving, I got to see his face for a second, and he was looking tense.

I sat up on the bed, my breath heavy and harsh from the previous incident. I thought I would lose my innocence today because of the way he was determined to ruin me forever, but the cry of the other girl saved me.

I am grateful to whomever it is.

The first thought that crossed my mind was that she might be his wife. When I didn't know that he was in the Mafia and also killed his best friend, anything was possible with him. I have always admired him from afar at the college, and even when he visited our home, he never shared anything about his family because he always liked to keep his life private.

As the screams became more painful and louder, I became tense.

As far as I know, he requested everyone to leave. 

The way his demeanor changed all of a sudden, from angry to worried, I am sure about one thing: the girl is close to him.

I don't care what is going on in his life, but I can't keep myself from getting out of bed. Before exiting the room, I took a moment to adjust my clothing, fastening the buttons on my top and wiping away tears from my cheek.

I hesitated for a moment after stepping out of bed, but when I heard the painful scream again, I couldn't stop myself.

Another thought that came to mind was that he had kept a girl hostage just like me.

All I could see was a long corridor and several rooms, so I had no idea where I was. Screams and shouts from the girl forced me to take steps in the direction of the voice, and I eventually found her.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw the scene in front of me.

Damien was attempting to control a girl who was thrashing and writhing around wildly in his grip. Her hair was all over her, obscuring the view of her face, and she was dressed in a sloppy gown; her attire seemed disheveled and unkempt.

As I got closer, I noticed many deep red and purple cuts all over her white, supple skin. The wounds looked months old, but they were still deep and red. Someone appears to have beaten her, and that too brutally.

Is it Damien?


He can't be this cruel. I have known him since childhood.

'Don't forget that he was just about to rape you!' my subconscious chimed in, a stark reminder of the dark reality I had narrowly escaped

Her screams were excruciating. My heart clenched as my eyes caught sight of her skin. The injuries spoke of a level of violence that was difficult to fathom.

Whoever did this to her is a true monster.

I don't know this girl, but seeing her in this state makes it difficult for me to breathe. I could feel her anguish. I shuddered at my place when I tried to understand the depth of the cruelty this girl has gone through.

"Don't touch me! Don't come near me!" Her voice was filled with terror as she screamed continuously in Damien's arms.

Her cries were more desperate than mine when I was begging Damien.

"It's me; it's me, Daisy, you are safe." Damien said as softly as he could, "You are safe, look into my eyes!"

He grabbed her chin between his fingers and forced her face to look into his eyes when she refused to stop moving.

She was still not ready to meet his gaze when he forced her to "Look into my eyes, Daizy. It's me, Damien! You are secure and safe in my arms." He chanted those words once more.

Gradually, the girl's movements ceased, and her eyes locked onto Damien's, the intensity of their connection holding her in place. After what felt like an eternity, she finally hugged him tightly, finding solace in his embrace.

"He touched me all over!" Her whole body shook as she sobbed loudly, which echoed in the whole hall. "Brother."


Is she his sister?

"I know! We will surely take revenge," Damien said, his eyes filled with pain and rage.

"Will we?" She asked him, pulling her head back, They were so lost in each other that they didn't notice my presence.

"Yes," he said, cupping her cheek and nodding.

His thumb rubbed the tears that were now drenching her cheeks before he planted a kiss on her forehead.


He then put his arm around her shoulder and helped her walk to her room. I was so engrossed in both of them that I didn't notice when my feet followed them. However, I did not enter her room.

He helped her sit on the bed and gently assisted her in lying down. Tenderly enveloping her in a blanket, he began to hum a soothing lullaby, his hand rhythmically patting her head until her eyelids fluttered closed, succumbing to sleep. His gaze held a tenderness as if he were cradling his own infant.

I couldn't believe my eyes after seeing his softer side. I thought that now he had completely become a monster, but he was taking care of his sister as if she were made of glass and would break if he held her so tight.

Despite all this, the question was still lingering in the back of my head about who was responsible for her condition.

He then did the most unexpected thing while the girl was sleeping. He retrieved a chain and fastened it around her ankle, securing the other end to the bedpost.

I gasped.

Why is he tying her to the bed?

My gasp drew his attention, and his head snapped up in rage in my direction.

His intense glare bore into me, and it was so intimidating that I took a step back. I swallowed and prayed for the Earth to crack open and swallow me whole.

My heart started pounding loudly in my chest as he stepped towards me. I hadn't done anything wrong, but the way he was looking at me, it appeared that I was solely responsible for his sister's condition.

Taking steps back from him, I didn't realize when I came to the middle of the hall exactly where his sister was a few minutes ago.

"Did you see this?" He inquired as he walked to me and stood too close. His proximity felt suffocating.

He made sure to lock the door to her room before approaching me, and now we were standing in the middle of the hall.

"Can you see my sister's condition?" he asked, coming dangerously close to me.

"I... I" I couldn't form any words.

"And do you know who is to blame for my sister's condition?" He inquired.

I could see in his eyes that he was expecting an answer from me, and right now he appears to be so enraged that I am not sure what he would do if I didn't respond.

"Your dead brother!"

"What?" My world seemed to break down when I heard him.

"Yes!" He grabbed my waist very tightly, but I couldn't feel the pain because my mind was preoccupied with deciphering what he had just said.

"No! You are lying to me!"

"I hope I was," he exclaimed, "but the truth is, your brother raped my sister."


No! This is unbelievable! My brother was never like this! There must be some misunderstanding. He was so protective of me.

He can't!

His other hand crept up to rest on my collarbone, his fingers slowly wrapping around my throat, threateningly.

"I would have loved you and cherished your beauty if we had met under different circumstances," he gritted his teeth, "but now I am going to exact my revenge for every pain my sister has endured because of you and give you every mark your brother has left on my sister's body."

He squeezed my throat, cutting off my oxygen supply. My hands thrashed up to get his palms off my throat, but his grip was so tight that I couldn't move a single finger. My face flushed red as my lungs screamed for oxygen, my very nerves straining against the pressure.

"This is not even a fraction of what my sister has gone through. I want to do to you everything your brother did to my innocent sister."

His grip tightened, and I was convinced that if he didn't leave me now, I would die. He left me just as my eyes were about to close and I was about to lose consciousness, and I collapsed on the cold floor, coughing loudly and hysterically. My whole body shook.

"Get ready, it was just a trailer."


Kindly follow me on !nts@ for the graphics. 

ID - dayyyyydreamerrr 


Kindly leave a review to let me know how is the story going and don't forget to give it a gem to cheer me up.

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goodnovel comment avatar
I liked it
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Shirley Hale
Talk about a story that keeps your attention?! Can't wait to read more!!
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Rebecca Gunderson
Very intriguing I am Definitely interested in reading more of this story

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