
Chapter 6

Lyon stood up when Selene left the office. "I can't believe I'm becoming jealous of my brother!" he exclaims.

Lyon, on the other hand, is not to blame because Selene never stops talking to Lucas. His half-brother pays Selene a visit every now and then to say hello.

He even caught the two happily laughing while watching a movie on one occasion.

It is not adultery, but Selene and Lyon are not guilty! Lyon is unhappy with the direction of their relationship because they have never acted like a typical couple.

"Where are you going?" Selene inquired, taking note of Lyon's coat.

Lyon responded, "going out," and resumed his walk.

Selene's eyes were filled with rage because she had even prepared food for her husband but couldn't express her desire to prevent him from leaving.

"Be careful on the road..."

Selene is still staring at the door through which her cold husband is excited.


Lyon Armstrong isn't the only one who is bothered by Selene and Lucas's proximity; Lucas's wife, Rein, is as well.

"Busy again..." Rein grumbled angrily as she hurried away, stuffing the phone into her bag.

"What's the deal with these Selene?!" She's been bothered by her husband's proximity to the girl.

Rein Smith-Armstrong is a frontline reporter who rose to prominence on her own merits, thanks to her strong mind and determination.

Rein is unconcerned about her surroundings, except for her relationship with Lucas. Because he is the most important person in her life, she is upset with Selene.

Rein screamed angrily, "I'm not going to let you take my husband!" Her car came to a halt in front of the city's tallest structure. Her destination was the Armstrong Empire... Lyon Zeke Armstrong is Lucas' half-brother and Selene's husband.

Rein was greeted with admiration and envy by every employee in the building because she epitomizes success.

Rein inquired of the receptionist, "I need to speak with your CEO; is he here?"

The receptionist politely smiled.  "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the CEO is in the meeting, and I'm afraid it will take a while before it's over..."

Knowing Lyon was in the building, Rein did not wait for the receptionist to finish her remarks before turning around and walking into the elevator, causing the latter to become concerned and calling the CEO's secretary to inform him of Rein's arrival.


Lyon is sitting in the CEO's office in his town, staring at the pile of paper on his table.

Lyon Armstrong is currently irritated by what is going on in the house, so he instructed his secretary to cancel all of his appointments and not to bother him no matter what or who arrives.

That is why he exploded when the door opened.

"Do you want to die? I told you not to bother me," Lyon said calmly, his anger visible.

"Hmm, I'm not ready to leave my husband with others, so no, brother-in-law, I don't want to die..." Rein said, sitting on the couch.

Lyon finally looked up, saying, "Rein, what do you want? Lucas is out for a meeting," before returning his attention to the papers.

"I'm here to ask you something," Rein said, disregarding the cold remarks. Because she and Lyon are similar, Rein is unbothered by Lyon's indifference toward her.

Lyon set the folder down and looked at the girl. Rein, like Lucas, has no idea about his other identity.

"Lucas and I will be celebrating New Year's Eve, so I wanted you and your wife to come and celebrate with us..." Rein explained. She wanted to meet Selene in person because she didn't know her personality.

"Did Lucas ask you to invite us?" Lyon questioned. He recalled his earlier conversation with Selene.

Rein made a shaky motion with her head. "No, he said you hate celebrating..."

"That's true... I don't do holidays," Lyon says coldly.

"You don't celebrate holidays, but I'm sure your wife enjoys spending the day with you," Rein replied, a sweet smile on her face.

Lyon signs, "You're right, she does..." as he acknowledges her remarks.

Rein's grin broadens.  "Then it's all settled!" You and Selene will join us for the holidays!" She stood up and took her shoulder bag after saying this.

Perhaps she should leave the house for a while... Lyon believes this is why he did not object to Rein's suggestion.

"Then I'll call you with the specifics... And, by the way, tell your wife to expect a call from me," Rein said as he exited the office.

Rein exclaimed, referring to Selene, "Now I have a reason to see and talk to you!"


Rein and Lucas's resident...

When Lucas noticed his wife in the living room, he frowned. "Rein? I thought you were on the field?" he exclaimed, delighted. With his wife's job, he rarely sees her arrive home early.

"Hmm, it looks like my husband is disappointed to see me..." Rein sniffed, opened her arms, and leapt to Lucas's arm.

"Hmm, I'm disappointed because if I had known you were there, I would have declined the dinner meeting with the company's shareholder..." Lucas responds before claiming Rein's lips.

It takes a minute for the kiss to end.  "Hmm, I wanted to surprise you because I have good news," Rein whispered seductively.

Lucas takes a seat on the couch, while Rein remains on his lap.  "Hmm, that's new... but, before you tell me, did you eat?"

Rein felt better after hearing Lucas's concern. "Hmm, I had coffee..." she admitted, a childish smirk on her face.

Lucas frowned and examined his watch.  "I told you not to skip a meal... Wait here, I'll cook for you," she says.

"Hmm, I'm sure I won't skip a meal now that I'm on leave for work... "

The attempt by Lucas to stand was thwarted.  "Is that real?" he inquired, checking to ensure he had heard correctly. Lucas knows how dedicated Rein is to her work, so despite his concerns, he can't ask her to stop.

"Yes, and we will celebrate the holiday with your brother and sister-in-law..." Rein declared.

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