
Chapter 5- Caught

Dr Ryan was worried sick throughout that night as regards the safety of his wife that he could not sleep

What further provoked his worries was the upsetting truth that her phone was unreachable

Besides which he would have continually kept in touch with her in order to know about her conditions

If he could not bring her back that night, Though he knew he would have bitten more than he could chew to bring her back that night in spite of all odds, Hr as usual took Care of the kids that night


As the day broke, he was filled with mixed feeling of anxiety and expectations

He was looking forward to seeing her that morning, While preparing the children for school

Meanwhile he was also trying her number every now and then

Still the line was not going, Not until she was about leaving for work around 8 a.m that morning,After having had a full night enjoyment with Tony that Mrs Ryan called her husband on phone

"I will be going to work from here due to the distance" Her tone of voice was curt and distant

Dr Ryan felt a stab of dissatisfaction rippled through him over his wife's hardhearted attitude over her family

He had expected her to first enquire about their children even if she did not ask how they managed to pass the night without her

She did not, Instead her work seemed uppermost in her mind

Most times he had considered his wife as a parody of mother, As far as she was concerned,her children and family was secondary

He had been attributing her indifferent attitudes towards her family to her youthful age,Together with the reality that God had blessed her with children, as and when she needed them

Without her knowing the ordeal other women underwent in search of the fruit of womb


"Has the children gone to school? Her voice was still apathetic , butting into his streams of consciousness

"We are on our way out, I have been worried sick over your safety last night that I could not sleep a second! Sure you are alright? He was compelled to ask

"No problem,I managed to pull through"

"we all missed you last night"

"That is good! I did too. I will see you in the evening


That evening Dr Ryan was about to prepare the night food when his wife returned from work, yet very late again

"Oh! Gracious! He exclaimed, embracing her

"Sure you had a pleasant night and day? His voice was so caring

"No problem today, last night was sheer hell for me" She replied

Her face was hard to pin down, wriggling away from his embrace as if afraid that he might detect that she was coming from another man's house

"How are the children? She enquried

The children on hearing hey voice ran to get, She Patted then on their heads, They All followed her into the bedroom with joy

Trust children, they could forget the last second do easily as if it never existed

Joshua and Dave had been crying and blaming their mother on the way she was behaving, on seeing her, none of them remembered that they have been crying

Faith, though the most tender, sports surprisingly to have gotten used to missing her


"Sorry about last night, but why was your phone unreachable?

Slipping off her clothes, Mrs Ryan returned in weariness

"It was a terrible experience, but Thank God I survived the cold weather'

"Who fixed the car for you?

"A vulcanizer did that this morning" Her Eyes were hard to pin down in order not to give herself away, she strived as much as much add she could to avert his poking eyes

"That was the more reason why I have been warning you about night drive, its not good as anything might happen"

"I made an early start, I left the office very early, save for the traffic jam,I need some rest after I might have showered"

"You Must be hungry also? Let me get you something to eat" he went out, followed by the kids

Immediately he left the room, Sonia chuckled and trew herself on hey bed, happy that get husband did not suspect her a bit


In the kitchen preparing her meal, He Called to inform tony about his wife's arrival

"She came back this evening"

"I can sees that from your cheerful voice"Tony Replied with a titter "Did Anything happen to her? I do hope she's alright?

"She's perfectly okay"

"I am very happy to hear that,I have been troubled over her safety since last night"

"That is very thoughtful of you, it shows what a good brother you are" Dr Ryan expressed his delight

"Do I still needs to talk to her?

"No need"he replied briefly ,switching off the electric kettle "she has a genuine reason for sleeping out"

"Okay if you say so'

"Or what do you think? He asked him like a good friend he ragarded him as

"You are absolutely right'

"Thanks for all your cares and troubles so far' Dr Ryan said 

"What are friends for?

"Sure you are not passing the night alone under this cold weather, hope Maria is there beside you"

"She just left now" Tony replied in humour

"You should not have allowed her to go"

Tony laughed at the other end, he wondered what his friend would do if he discovered that he was falling out with Maria due to Sonia's over possessiveness and envy towards her

"Good night, sweet dreams about her" Dr Ryan concluded in order to concentrate with the food he was preparing for his wife

"Good night to, Extends my regards to your beautiful wife and the kids too"Tony Sounded of in cheerfulness

Not long after,Dr Ryan began to fed up with his wife's habitual late arrival from work

      Moreover,More often than not she would call to inform him that she might not return due to some excuses

     Consequent upon This he had told her to resign her appointment since she had false to need his numerous warnings to show a little love and commitment to her family

She had implored him to give her more time and promised to change for better,Based on her please and promises ,he had allowed her to continue with her work

       She had,in that case,showed some changed in her by coming home at the appropriate time,Staying and praying with the children,helping them in their home works as well as soothing them to sleep

These development no doubt had gladdened his heart,for that was his heart desire in his dream wife

       Maybe because as the only son of his parents, he had desire for a wife that would take absolute Care of his children

That was why he had gone home to may with the show aim of marrying a responsible girl that would take Care of his home and children


It happened that one late evening,Dr Ryan s at home as was customary when a Bentley car stopped at the pavement of the street some meters away from his house

      He just could not explain why he had looked out of the window at that time and saw the car

        Inexplicably too, his attention had been drawn by the stopping car, Through the street lights, he could see the figure of the two occupants,

Although not quite well, From Their figures he knew they were a man and a woman

       That very street was normally not A busy one as it led to a school fence, only the residents and their visitors used the street, hence, its lonesomeness often times

He observed the man and the woman leant close to each other for A hug, thereafter a kiss, he took great delight in watching them

       He was glad that his children had just slept, if not he would not have witnessed the car much more the fun he was catching

           He however could not hide his hatred over such an appealing sight, He Surmised From Their Outfits That The occupants of the car might both be married

He felt pity for there married partners at home that must be waiting for them, with that thought he recalled that his wife has not up till now not come home

          His heart skipped at the idea that she might also have been indulging in similar secret affairs

What else could better explain get constant late arrival from work? Her high length of insensitivity towards her family, which never ceased to bother him ?

          As though in confirmation of his fears, the car's passenger's door was trown open. watching with curiously he saw a woman's black shoe out of the car, then her body

His body froze, For An instant that appeared like an eternity, he seemed to stop breathing at the sight of his wife coming out of the car

          So the woman he had been condemning after all was his wife? 

While he was one of the worried partners waiting at home? He could not believe it, he had to rub his eyes with his palm trice in order to make sure he's not suffering from the figment of his imaginations

        But it was steak really staring in him in the face , with goose pimples all over his body,he watched his wife waved stylishly too whoever was his rival, who was then reversing his car to make a U-turn

The cold fingers of jealously took hold of him, piercing through him as a hot knife would pierce through butter tearing him to shreds

            For the secret lovers to have had the gut to be hugging and kissing right behind his house and in public states that they had not only gone far but his wife was also so lose and had no regards for him

During the time the driver was making A U-turn Dr Ryan stared at him very well through the window

              As if the sockets of his eyes will fall of, to know if he could catch half a glimpse of him, he did

           The street lights fall directly on the driver's face! He at one recognized his rival as his wife's office director 

             He had seen him about two to three times when he had visited his wife's office

            At that moment he knew the secret behind his wife's rapid promotion in her office

           He was about taking a trip down memory lane when he heard the door bell peaked, over bloated with duty,he reached to answer the door

Is wife came in, greeted him in her characteristic indifferent manner 

                 "Good evening" she muttered and was about walking past him when his chilly voice halted her

          "What is it by the time?

With the unmistakable coldness and rage in his wife, Sonia Knew That All Was Not Well That late evening

She simply looked at her wristwatch then at the wall clock, The time stood at 19:55pm,

             "That is the intimidating volume of work on my table' 

That had been the only phrase she has been good at, That Very hackneyed phrase of her's was in fact getting to his nerves

            "The volume of work on your table? He re-echoed, incensed with anger

             "And who was that man that dropped you just now?

               "It was A colleague" she returned wondering with fears if he had seen them

             "Who's that colleague?

    "You will not know her"her voice was almost a whisper 

         "Him or her? He persisted,

There was anger in his voice, he sat down on the nearby chair

"And she was hugging and kissing you? Are you A lesbain?

          Sonia shuddered at that last question, it meant that he had seen her and her boss whom she had often allowed to hold and kiss her there without him finding out

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