
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

When I regained my composure, I decided to take a short break from the hotel and went to the nearby 7Eleven. I wanted ice cream to relieve stress.

"149 Ma'am," I handed my payment to the cashier. I grabbed the solo ice cream and some snacks before taking my change. I stepped outside 7Eleven, where they had chairs and tables.

I opened the ice cream, unable to resist its tempting allure. Despite the cold, I wasn't going to let it go to waste. Ice cream has a way of melting away stress. I also opened the big pack of Vcut that I bought. In this way, the heaviness I felt was lifted.

I ate alone, in silence. It made me reflect on the times when I used to obediently follow Mommy and Daddy. My heart ached at the memories.


"89? Well, it's not bad..." Daddy said with disappointment. The smile on my face quickly disappeared. I did everything I could to maintain straight 9s in my grades, but my Math grade fell short at 89. Just one line of 8, and they were already disappointed.


Suddenly, tears welled up as I recalled that moment. I thought that was all that would come to mind, but apparently not.


"Child, this pink one. It's prettier." I couldn't help but smile. My favorite color is blue, not pink. Pink is too girly for me, and that's why I dislike it.

"I like blue, Mom."

"No, baby. It has to be pink." Even my favorite color, they meddled with.


I couldn't hold back my tears any longer as the memories resurfaced. Thankfully, I was seated at the far end, and no one could see me crying. This was the first time I let out all my frustration, and it couldn't be helped that I became this emotional.

"Why is my life like this? They give me everything I want, but it always comes at a price and with limitations. They're so controlling. I wish they had just had a robot instead of a child, so they wouldn't be disappointed in me."

I laughed at myself. It was as if I were talking to myself in my mind.

"I might be going crazy," I said to myself.

"Miss?" I paused as I saw a hand holding a handkerchief in front of my face. I stared at it, feeling nervous about what might happen.

Slowly, I followed the hand to the person holding the handkerchief. To my surprise, I recognized her.

"You again?!" I said with a hint of a smile.

"Miss Runaway Bride? Yes, it's me again. Carlew." I couldn't believe we would meet again. Or maybe she was following me?

"Are you stalking me?" I raised an eyebrow at her question.

"Huh? Who are you for me to stalk you?" I was left dumbfounded by her question.

Who am I, indeed? I'm just a woman running away from my life.

"But last time, you said you like me." I said softly. I knew she heard it because of her laughter.

"Yes, I like you. But it's just a like. Nothing more." I felt a bit disappointed with what she said, but I didn't show it. I continued eating my ice cream as if she wasn't there.

I heard her sigh. I didn't look at her, but I was surprised when she suddenly wiped my face with her handkerchief. My heart raced at what she did. I was stunned, looking at her face so close to mine.

She was too close. Damn. I couldn't help but let my gaze wander to her lips that I had kissed once. There was a warmth building inside me.

"A-Ahh! Let me do it." I took her handkerchief and wiped my face. She sat in front of me, watching me. I felt like I was sweating due to the warmth I was feeling, so I continued eating my ice cream rapidly.

"Hey! Take it slow; you might choke." She warned me a bit too late. I coughed continuously because a chunk of ice cream went down my throat, and it was so cold.

She panicked. Fortunately, she saw the water I bought and quickly handed it to me.

"T-Thank you."

"No problem. Hmm, it's already evening, huh? Why are you still outside?" I just shrugged at her.

"I saw you just recently in Manila. Now here in Bohol? What a coincidence," I commented with a smile. I didn't think she was Dad's agent. It felt like she wasn't.

"Why are you here?" I asked her with a serious tone. She sighed before answering.

"I had a meeting. But I'll be heading back to Manila tomorrow." I nodded in acknowledgment.

It seemed like there was something about him that I wanted to know. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. Maybe because he's the only guy I allowed to get close and talk to me like this. I feel comfortable with him, as if I've known him for a long time.

"What about you? Miss Runaway Bride? What brought you to Bohol?" I didn't know if I should answer his question. It's confusing.

"Oh, come on, tell me. I'm not a spy for your dad. So tell me." I looked at him closely, and he met my gaze. Convinced of his sincerity, I decided to share.

"Didn't I tell you? I want to get far away from my parents. Nothing will change if I stay in Manila. They'll keep finding me there. At least here, they have no idea where I am."

"Ah, so where are you staying now? So I can drop you off. It's late." I didn't insist anymore, and I accepted his offer to drop me off.

"I'm just at Belian Hotel." He nodded and started driving. We were both silent inside the car.

"Wait. Let me park."

I was about to get off when I thought of inviting him for coffee. He didn't refuse.

"Here." I handed him the coffee I prepared.

"Thanks." He took a sip, looking outside. We were on the balcony of my room.

"How long do you plan to stay away from your parents?" I pondered on his question. I shrugged.

"Maybe until things get better? Until they stop pressuring me to marry someone I don't know and don't want."

"Don't you miss your parents?" His question made my heart ache.

"I miss them. But I just want them to realize what they've done to me." My eyes quickly warmed up with impending tears.

"I miss them, but I want to be independent. I don't want to get married yet. I still have a lot I want to do. I want to have a boyfriend, travel together, just like those relationship goals I see on F******k. I don't want to get married yet." I almost choked as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Truthfully, I want to experience having a boyfriend, doing everything with him.

"Then, I'll be your boyfriend starting today." I was left speechless by what he said. My heart pounded loudly. It felt like it was about to escape my chest.

Is he serious? Is he really going to be my boyfriend? Is he insane? Huh!

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