
4. Vengeful

"Do you really plan on leaving Cebu? Where do you plan to go, bes?" Mia inquired. I had finally been discharged from the hospital after a few days later and was busy packing my stuff. "Can't you please just stay?" Her voice was laced with genuine worry. It was evident she did not want me to leave the province, but there was absolutely nothing she could do to convince me. I was hellbent of seeking vengeance for my father's death. I couldn't be stopped. Not even by my best friend. "Please reconsider," she continued. "You're not in the right state of mind and knowing you, you might do something reckless."

I would admit, she was not wrong about that — I had always acted on impulse, but this time around, my actions would be justified. "Don't worry about me, Mia," I smiled, tightly. "I will be fine. I won't stop, until I get even with those monsters that ruined my life." The promise was more to myself. It was a vow I was ready to do anything to fulfill.

There will surely pay in a dreadful way.

"How about school?" She inquired, trying so hard to make me change my mind against going after my father's murderers. She was only worried about my safety, I knew, and that brought a small smile to my face.. I was indeed lucky to have her as a friend. She was literally the only person I had left. The only person I could call family.

"I'm going to have to forfeit the scholarship." I replied, ruefully.

It was really sad that I wouldn't be able to fulfil my father's dream for me anymore. Getting justice for his death was much more important to me than furthering my education and bettering my life.

"Promise me you will take good care of yourself. Promise you will keep in touch always." She threw her arms around me. "Please promise me, bes."

"I will." I replied, even though I knew I might not be able to keep my promise. Dragging her into my mess was the last thing I wanted. She deserved to live a life free of danger.

Disentangling her arms from around me, I could see unshed tears glistening in her eyes. I felt tears brimming up in my eyes as well. It was probably the last time we would be able to see other. I knew all too well I was embarking on a perilous mission, but I was more than willing to do it for the sake of my father.

"Be safe, Julia." She grabbed my hands in her and squeezed gently.

I simply nodded in response. I allowed my gaze trailed around the house which was once my home. The doleful memory of how my dad was murdered in the living room flashed into my vision. I couldn't stay in the house for a second longer even if I wanted to. I would die of forlornness — that, I was sure of.

I finished stuffing my necessities in a duffel bad and zipped it up. I looked up at Mia with a sad smile plastered on my face. "I should leave." I voiced. It was getting really late and I needed to get to the city early for investigations. I had so many information I needed to gather in order to make my plan effective as soon as possible.

"Won't you at least tell me where you're going to?" Mia asked, sullenly. I knew what she was trying to do — she was obviously trying to emotionally blackmail me into blurting out my plans.

I'm going to Manila. — I wanted to say these words to her, but I knew better than to do that, for she might trace my whereabout. I didn't want that. ""I'm sorry." I replied, apologetically.

Without looking back, I hung the duffel bag on my right shoulder and sauntered out of the house...

For good.

Without mincing words, I would miss Mia a lot. Tears blurred my vision as I hailed a taxi and got in.

Throughout the ride, I couldn't stop thinking about my father. If only he had still been alive, things would have been much different. We would have been happy together. I wouldn't have ended up miserable like this. More tears streamed down my face as I remember the words he used to say to me; Never give up, Julia. — with the back of my hand, I wiped my tears away. "I won't give up, till I succeed." I mumbled.

"Ma'am we've arrived at the bus station." The cabdriver informed, pulling me out of my trance.

Fumbling for some cash in my handbag, I handed him his fare and alighted the car.

"Hi, ma'am, are you going to Cavite?" A young boy of about ten inquired. He seemed to be a worker at the station, I wasn't sure though.

"No." I replied with a small smile. "I'm going to Manila. Where can I find a bus?"

"There." He pointed to a blue coloured bus. "Let me help you with your bag." He offered.

"No, thanks." I shook my head, but he remained persistent.

"It's okay." He assured and practically rip the duffel bag off my shoulder. "Follow me." He remarked and began walking forward.

I was left with no choice, but to trail behind him. The little boy reminded me so much of myself — at his age, I also did all types of part-time jobs to help my dad in the little way I could. I remembered how he would always reprimand me and order me to quit and focus on my studies instead. He had so many dreams for me, yet none was fulfilled before his life was snatched away from him.

"This is the bus going to Manila." The boy said as they approached it. "I can help you get your ticket from over there."

Opening my handbag, I realized I was running out of cash. How will I survive in the big city?

I gave some cash to him and within a blink of an eye, he had gone and returned.

I smiled appreciatively and handed him the last currency I had left.

"Thanks, ma'am." He grinned and walked away afterwards.

I was penniless, but that wouldn't stop me from embarking on the journey. I didn't care if I had a place to sleep in or any food to eat, I was more concerned about finding the mastermind of the murder. I climbed into the bus and took a window seat, waiting impatiently for the bus to get filled up and for us to leave Cebu.

Tears blurred my vision. It was really sad and pathetic because that wasn't how I pictured myself leaving the province. I had pictured myself leaving for Manila with my dad. It was my dream to make him reap the fruits of his labor. The more I reminisced our past memories, the more vengeful I got. The same way they ruined my life, I was going to ruin theirs, but in a more painful manner. Death would be an option they'd opt for.

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